[ Groupe "Systèmes Collectifs Adaptatifs" ]

Theses and MSc Supervision, Pr. Remy Courdier

Dernière mise à jour le mercredi 10 avril 2024 à 13:04

Rémy Courdier

Full Professor in Computer Science


...See also on www.theses.fr

Ongoing theses supervision

Theses supervised or co-supervised

  1. Richard Fontaine, A multi-agent approach for the diffuse monitoring of persons in loss of autonomy, defended at university of Sherbrooke on 2 sept. 2022. abstract
  2. Nathan Aky, Contribution of artificial intelligence to the field of smart cities: Application to the assistance of people with reduced mobility" defended at university of Reunion Island on 6 Mai. 2022, abstract, These en Cotuelle, fr, Remind Project.
  3. Tahina Ralitera, Multi-agent simulations for smart cities: a multi-environment temporal, spatial and organizational architecture. Contributions to anticipation, defended at "Sorbonne Université" on 4 Sept. 2020, abstract, My Thesis in 180 seconds, Award of L'Oréal-Unesco scholarships for women and science, CEA, Remind Project
  4. Irène Velontrasina, Adaptive agent through multi-behaviors based approach, defended at University of Reunion Island on 26 April 2019. My Thesis in 180 seconds - abstract.
  5. Aurélie Gaudieux (co-supervisor), Experimentation of an agents Based model for management for natural resources management in Madagascar and Reunion Island, defended at University of Reunion Island on 24 Mar. 2017. abstract.
  6. Hadja Maimouna Diagne (co-supervisor), Intelligent management of electrical grid from La Reunion. Solar irradiance forecasting in an insular grid, defended at University of Reunion Island on 28 Apr. 2015. abstract.
  7. Yassine Gangat, Agent Architecture for modelling and simulation of multidynamical complex systems : a multibehaviors approach based on the "Agent MVC" pattern, defended at LIRMM-Université de Montpellier II on 27 Aout 2013. abstract
  8. Zoubida Afoutni (co-supervisor), A multi-agent model for the representation of situated action based on affordance and stigmergy, defended at LIRMM-Université de Montpellier II on 25 Sept. 2015. abstract
  9. Didier Sébastien (co-supervisor), Contribution to the generation of immersive representations of data from Biodiversity Information Systems, defended at L'Ecole des Mines ParisTech de Sophia Antipolis on 30 Nov. 2010.
  10. Daniel David, Territorial Prospective by Agent-Based Simulation, defended at University of Reunion Island on 4 Dec. 2010. abstract
  11. Nicolas Sébastien, Distribution and Paralleling of Agent-Oriented Simulations, defended at University of Reunion Island on 10 Nov. 2009. abstract
  12. Tiana Ralambondrainy, Observation of large scale agent oriented simulation, defended at l’University of Reunion Island on 22 Mai 2009. abstract
  13. Jean-Dany Vally, Conceptual standardization for the simulation of multi-agents systems using an ontological model defended at University of Reunion Island on Nov. 2003.
  14. Fenintsoa Andriamasinoro, Proposition of a model of hybrid agents based on natural motivation, defended at University of Reunion Island on 23 Aug. 2003.
  15. Jean-Christophe Soulié (co-supervisor), Towards a multi-environment approach for agents: application to the simulation of large pelagic behavior in the South Indian Ocean zone, defended at University of Reunion Island on dec. 2001.

Post-Doc or HDR supervision

  1. Christelle Hatik (Post-Doc Supervisor), Multi-scale modeling of waste management by agent-oriented simulation for energy recovery, from 11 Feb. 2019 to 28 Feb. 2021, Remind Project.
  2. François Guerrin (HDR Supervisor), Representation of heterogeneous knowledge for action, HDR defended at University of Reunion Island on 5 Oct. 2007.

President of thesis defense jurys

  • Iago Felipe Trentin, "Human-centered Adaptation of Smart Environments: a Multi-agent and Value-based Reasoning Approach", Université de Lyon/École Nationale Supérieure Des Mines De Saint-Étienne, defended on 13/12/2021. (link)
  • Taher Issoufaly, "Physical Tracking : menaces, performances et applications", supervised by Pascal Anelli, Université de La Réunion, defended on 28/01/2019 (link)
  • Rehan Noordally, "Étude de la connectivité Internet de l'île de la Réunion", supervised by Pascal Anelli, Université de La Réunion, defended on 30/08/2018 (link)
  • Ferdinand Piette, "Intergiciel agent pour le déploiement et la configuration d'applications distribuées dans des environnements ambiants", supervised by Cédric Dinont and Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, UPMC/LIP6, defended on 17/01/2017 (link)

Rapporteur of thesis

  • Chabi Affolabi Rodolpho BABATOUNDE, "Proposition d’une approche de modélisation du comportement d’espèces animales guidée par les métaheuristiques : vers de nouveaux outils d’aide à la compréhension du comportement animal", under the supervision of Antoine AIELLO, to be defended at Université de Corse - Pascal PAOLI on 13 mai 2024.
  • Serigne Kosso SENE, "From model to decision-making tool: Application to urban plant irrigation deficits", supervised by Nicolas Marilleau and Mathieu Gueye of the "Unité de Modélisation Mathématique et Informatique des Systèmes Complexes" research unit, defended at university of Sorbonne Université, 13/12/2023.
  • Myriam GRILLOT, "Modélisation multi-agents et pluri-niveaux de la réorganisation du cycle de l'azote dans des systèmes agro-sylvo-pastoraux en transition : le cas du bassin arachidier au Sénégal", supervised by Dominique Masse, defended at Montpellier SupAgro on 03/16/2018. (link)
  • Mathieu CASTETS, "Pavages réguliers et modélisation des dynamiques spatiales à base de graphes d'interaction : conception, implémentation, application", supervised by Pascal Poncelet, defended at university of Montpellier, 15/12/2015, (link)
  • Shadi ABRAS, "Système domotique multi-agents pour la gestion de l’énergie dans l’habitat", supervised by Sylvie Pesty and Stéphane Ploix, defended at Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble, 07/05/2009, (link)

MSc Students, supervision of projects and interships

2023 - 2024

  1. GRONDIN Olivier, XITRA Lucas, A Mobile application for musical groups, providing access to all the group's resources, Master 1 in Computer Sciences, University of Réunion Island, Second study and research project (TER 2)), from Jan. to Jun 2024
  2. XITRA Lucas, GRONDIN Olivier, POURNY Miguel, Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on professions, highlighting the resulting changes by example, Master 1 in Computer Sciences, University of Réunion Island, First study and research project (TER 1), from Sept. to Dec. 2023

2021 - 2022

  1. Raphael BLARD, Development of an ambient assistance system simulation - Adjustment and implementation of simulation scenarios, matching of corresponding graphic interfaces, Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux, Engineering internship (2nd year), from 15/09/2021 to 14/11/2021

2020 - 2021

  1. Fabien HOARAU, Master 2 in Computer Sciences, University of Réunion Island, annual study and research project (TER), Multiagent simulation with hardhware in the loop in the context of ambiant systems, Jan. to Juil. 2020.
  2. Alexendree BOYER, Master 1 in Computer Sciences, annual study and research project, AI and Multi-Agent Systems Tutorial, from Jan. to Jun 2021.
  3. Kevin JOVIEN, Master 1 in Computer Sciences, annual study and research project (TER), Modélisation et Simulation Individu Centrée avec ANYLOGIC, from Jan. to Jun 2021.

2019 - 2020

  1. Medhi MEDMOUN, student engineer, Ecole nationale supérieure des Mines de Paris, Agent-based simulation of stakeholder mobility issues relating to the management of bio-waste on Reunion Island., Redmine link, from Sept 26, 2019 to March 27, 2020.
  2. Anna JIQUEL, student engineer, ESA , urban bio-waste simulation model, from Feb 10, 2020 to July 10, 2020. Redmine link
  3. Damien ETHEVE, student engineer, ESIROI, automation of micro-services development process: Improvement of GIT management and implementation of pipelines, from jun 15, 2020 to August 9, 2020.
  4. Antony BARRET, student engineer, ESIROI, automatic generation of thematic web documentation providing access at any time to key explanatory information relating to a computer model, from jun 8, 2020 to July 17, 2020.
  5. Gregoire Chevalier, student engineer, ESIROI, Benchmark of graph production technologies for the presentation of multi-agent simulation results, from Jun to July, 2020.

2018 - 2019

  1. Heritiana NORDDINAH, Master 2 in Computer Sciences, University of Réunion Island, annual study and research project (TER), Etude et enrichissement d’une simulation Agent pour le domaine Smart-City, from January to August 2019. Redmine link
  2. Thomas LENEPVEU, Master 2 in Computer Sciences,University of Réunion Island, annual study and research project (TER), Techniques de déploiement dynamique maîtrisé de services informatiques, from Sept 2018 to Mai 2019. Redmine link
  3. Ando Randriamaro TSIHOARANA, Master 2 in Computer Sciences,University of Réunion Island, annual study and research project, from Sept 2018 to Mai 2019
  4. Paul LORANG, MSc Sustainable Energy Futures, Imperial College London, annual study and research project, Modelling scenarios for Réunion island’s energy independence, from May to August 2019
  5. Maxime ROUSSEAU, MSc Sustainable Energy Futures, Imperial College London, annual study and research project, Evaluation of the current energy system in the Réunion island and the different ways to model it, from May to August 2019

2017 - 2018

  1. Willy Andrianina RAMANANDRAISOA, Master 2 in Geomatics & Teledetection, 6 months final Intership, Modélisation et Simulation Agent de Flux de Déplacement de Véhicules Électriques : Expérimentations sur la ville de Saint-Denis Aspect préparation des données, Redmine link
  2. Nathan AKY, Master 2 in Computer Sciences, annual study and research project (TER) and 6 months final Intership, Modélisation et Simulation Agent de Flux de Déplacement de Véhicules Électriques : Expérimentations sur la ville de Saint-Denis Aspect simulation, Redmine link
  3. Ando RANDRIAMARO TSIHOARANA, Master 1 in Computer Sciences, annual study and research project (TER), Mécanisme de gestion d’anticipation en modélisation des systèmes complexes, en simulation, et dans le contexte des systèmes multi-agents Redmine link
  4. Brice MAROSON, Master 1 in Computer Sciences, annual study and research project (TER), L’utilisation combinés des systèmes multi-agents et des SMARTGRID, Redmine link
  5. Bryan GONOWREE, Master 1 in Computer Sciences, annual study and research project (TER), Enrichissement d'une plateforme de simulation smart cities, Redmine link
  6. Matthias FONTAINE, Master 1 in Computer Sciences, annual study and research project(TER), Etude bibliographique : Les mécanismes de gestion du temps dans les plateformes de simulation agents., Redmine link
  7. Mohamed YOUSSOUFFOU, Master 2 in Computer Sciences, annual study and research project, Expérimentation des fonctionnalités "GIS" de la plateforme NetLogo
  8. Ahamada DALILI, Master 2 in Computer Sciences, annual study and research project (TER), Expérimentation des fonctionnalités "GIS" en Python

2016 - 2017 [Todo]

2015 - 2016 [Todo]