Quick start


  1. Download the latest version of modelling interface: download
  2. Untar the downloaded archive in your working directory
  3. Configure your bash environment. For that, in modintns-2 directory execute:

*Model design

The simulation model is described in a ressources file. This file is a set of parameters and values to descripte the network elements and the metrics to compute. Precisely, ressources files specifies:

The specific code for a simulation study is written in a main file as example (edu/0-prevj.rc) below:

# Copyright (c) 2007 University of La Reunion - France
# Author: Pascal ANELLI
# http://personnel.univ-reunion.fr/panelli
# All rights reserved.
# Goal:
# TCP Before 88
# No congestion control in the end hosts
# BEGIN of ressource attributes
# Simulation Model
# default value
Queue set limit_ 50

set opt(stoptime) 10

# Topology network

# number of core nodes
set opt(routelength) 2
set opt(corelink)   {{bw 0.7Mb} {tp 40ms} {queuesize 4} {queuetype DropTail}}

# Hosts
set opt(pattern) { \
                  {{hook {0 1}} \
                   {nbnode 1} \
                   {nbflow 1} \
                   {bw {{1Mb 1Mb}}} \
                   {tp 5ms} \
                   {type TCP} \
                   {sourceparam {{tcpversion TCP/RFC793edu} \
                                 {tcpsink TCPSink} \
                                 {agentparam { \
                                               {add793slowstart false}  \
                                               {add793additiveinc false} \
                                               {add793exponinc false} \
                                               {add793expbackoff false} \
                                               {window 12} \
                                               {packetSize 1250} \
                                             } \
                                 } \
                   } \
                   {starttime 0}  \
                   {transfersize -1} \
                  } \

#  Post Process
# Analysis
# from pkt file   
set conf(pkt) { \
               {Flow  { \
			             { {*} {activity throughputT}} \
			            } \
		         } \
		        {Queue { } \
			    } \
# from param file                
set conf(param) { }

set conf(parameter) {{bottlebw 0.7Mb} {weight 1/16} {timeinterval 0.2} {wrap 100} }

# Plotting
# Instructions to merge curves of the same graph
set conf(plot) { }

# END of ressource attributes


In the directory

modintns-2, the synopsis is
   ns test-suite.tcl [options] <ressources file name>
   <ressources file name> 
Description of the simulation model (.rc file) OPTIONS -wd DIR Output directory (default ./tmp). -stoptime NUM Duration of simulation in seconds (simulated time). -nam 1 launch nam when the simulation is over. -namgraph 1 launch nam with session graph. -quiet 1 Display no graph. -verbose 1 print main instructions executed.

For example, to launch the simulation with the model described on this page called 0-prevj.rc:

ns test-suite.tcl -stoptime 20 -nam 1 edu/0-prevj.rc