Introduction to RDF Query with SPARQL

Part 5 - SPARQL Protocol

Andy Seaborne

Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Bristol

Learning Goals


[any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

SPARQL - Protocol

[any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

HTTP Example 1

Redland Rasqal RDF Query Demonstration

query Query string
query-lang "sparql", "rdql"
data Target graph
format Output format: "rdfxml", "xml", "turtle", ...
output-xslt URI of XSLT stylesheet
limit Integer

HTTP Example 2

SPARQLer - based on Joseki

  • Uses Jena (ARQ for SPARQL queries)
  • Output format by Content Negotiation
  • No graph-id => take base URL as target
lang "sparql", "rdql"
query Query string
graph-id Target graph
stylesheet URI of XSLT stylesheet


Copyright 2005 Dave Beckett, Steve Harris, Eric Prud'hommeaux and Andy Seaborne. Terms of use are given on the main Introduction to RDF Query with SPARQL Tutorial page.