Library Coq_assistant_preuve_TI

Require Import List String.

Import ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.
Open Scope string_scope.

Check [4;5;6].
Check ["Anne";"42"].

Section Insertion_sort.

Variable A : Type.
Variable leb : A -> A -> bool.

Fixpoint insert (a:A) (l: list A) : list A :=
match l with
  | [] => [a]
  | b::l0 => if leb a b
    then a::l
    else b::insert a l0

Fixpoint sort(l:list A) : list A :=
match l with
  | [] => []
  | a::l0 => insert a (sort l0)

Require Import Coq.Sorting.Permutation.

Search (Permutation ?x ?y ->
  Permutation ?y ?z ->
    Permutation ?x ?z).

Inductive Sorted : list A -> Prop :=
  | ls_0 : Sorted []
  | ls_1 : forall a, Sorted [a]
  | ls_2 : forall a b l, (leb a b = true) ->
      Sorted (b::l) -> Sorted (a::b::l).

Definition Sort_spec (f:list A -> list A) :=
  forall l, let l1 := f l in
    Permutation l1 l /\ Sorted l1.

Definition Total(comp : A -> A -> bool) : Prop :=
  forall a b, comp a b = false -> comp b a = true.

Hypothesis leb_total : Total leb.

Lemma insert_perm :
  forall x l, Permutation (x::l) (insert x l).
induction l.
- reflexivity.
- cbn.
  case (leb x a).
    + reflexivity.
    + transitivity (a::x::l).
      * Search (Permutation (?x::?y::?l) (?y::?x::?l)).
        apply perm_swap.
      * auto.

Lemma insert_sorted : forall x l,
  Sorted l -> Sorted (insert x l ).
intros x l l_sorted.
induction l_sorted.
- simpl. apply ls_1.
- simpl. destruct (leb x a) eqn:x_le_a.
    + apply ls_2.
      * assumption.
      * apply ls_1.
    + apply ls_2.
      * apply leb_total in x_le_a.
      * apply ls_1.
- simpl.
  destruct (leb x a) eqn:x_le_a.
  + apply ls_2.
    * assumption.
    * apply ls_2.
      ** assumption.
      ** assumption.
  + apply leb_total in x_le_a.
    destruct (leb x b) eqn:x_le_b.
    * apply ls_2.
      ** assumption.
      ** apply ls_2.
        *** assumption.
        *** assumption.
    * apply ls_2.
      ** assumption.
      ** simpl in IHl_sorted. destruct (leb x b).
        *** discriminate.
        *** assumption.

Lemma sort_perm : forall l, Permutation (sort l) l.
induction l.
- simpl. reflexivity.
- transitivity(a::sort l); auto;
  symmetry;apply insert_perm.

Lemma sort_sorted: forall l, Sorted (sort l).
  induction l.
  - simpl. apply ls_0.
  - simpl. apply insert_sorted. assumption.

Theorem sort_correct: Sort_spec sort.
  - apply sort_perm.
  - apply sort_sorted.

End Insertion_sort.

Check sort.

Check sort_correct.

Lemma nat_leb_total : Total nat Nat.leb.
  red; induction a; destruct b; simpl;
  try discriminate;auto.

Check sort_correct nat Nat.leb nat_leb_total.

Compute sort nat Nat.leb [8;6;9;3;7;8].

Definition string_leb s1 s2 :=
    Nat.leb (length s1) (length s2).

Check string_leb.

Lemma string_leb_total : Total string string_leb.
unfold Total.
intros a b. unfold string_leb.
apply nat_leb_total.

Check sort_correct string string_leb string_leb_total.

Compute sort string string_leb ["cb";"abcd";"z";"cb";"";"dab"].

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