These routines can be used on any files:
CloseCloses an open fileFiles of type TEXT are distinguished from other kinds of files (for example, FILE OF CHAR) by the special significance given to the end-of-line character. The end-of-line character allows a file of type TEXT to be treated as a sequence of lines, rather than a sequence of individual characters. An entire line may be read from the file into a STRING type (note that STRING variables are limited to 255 characters, the maximum size for this data type) using the ReadLn procedure, and an entire line may be written to the file by using the WriteLn procedure. You can test for the end-of-line character by using the EOLn function. When the value of the logical record at the current file position of a file is an end-of-line character, the Read and ReadLn procedures read it as a space character (ASCII 32). The Read and Write procedures can be applied to any typed file. However, the procedures ReadLn and WriteLn depend upon the presence of the end-of-line character, which appears only in files of type TEXT.EOF Returns a file's end-of-file status
Open Opens a file for reading or creates
a new file for writing
Reset Opens a file for reading
Rewrite Opens a file for writing
These routines provide random and sequential
access to record oriented files and non-text files:
GetReads a record
Put Writes a record
Read Reads an item
Write Writes an item
Seek Jumps to an item within a file
These routines are used on text-oriented files:
EOLn Returns a text file's end-of-line status
Get Reads a record
Put Writes a record
Read Reads a piece of formatted text
Readln Reads a line of formatted text
Write Formats then writes a piece of text
Writeln Formats then writes a line of text
None of the text-oriented predefined procedures and functions need an explicit file variable parameter. If no file is named, one of the pre-defined files, input or output, will be assumed by default, depending on whether the procedure or function is input-oriented or output-oriented. Remember that input and output are predeclared as files of type TEXT.
PROGRAM EX1; VAR f : TEXT; fileName, textIn : STRING[255]; count : INTEGER; BEGIN Write('Enter a file name: '); ReadLn(fileName); { Create a new, empty file } Rewrite(f, fileName); { Write to the new, empty file } FOR count := 1 TO 10 DO WriteLn(f, count); { Close the new file } Close(f); { Open the existing file } Open(f, fileName); { Send the file to screen } WHILE NOT EOF(f) DO BEGIN ReadLn(f, textIn); WriteLn(textIn); END; { Close the existing file } Close(f); END.
PROGRAM EX2; VAR f: FILE OF INTEGER; i, j: INTEGER; BEGIN writeln('Ecriture'); rewrite(f, 'list'); FOR i := 1 TO 10 DO BEGIN writeln(i); f^ := i; put(f); END; close(f); writeln('Lecture'); reset(f, 'list'); WHILE NOT EOF(f) DO BEGIN writeln(f^); get(f); END; close(f); END.
PROGRAM EX3; TYPE paire = RECORD g, d: INTEGER; END; VAR p: paire; f: FILE OF paire; i: INTEGER; BEGIN Open(f, 'test'); FOR i := 0 TO 9 DO BEGIN p.g := i; p.d := i * i; f^ := p; Put(f); END; Close(f); Open(f, 'test'); FOR i := 9 DOWNTO 0 DO BEGIN Seek(f, i); Writeln(f^.g : 3, f^.d : 5); END; Close(f); END.
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